Source code for

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
from copy import copy

from anml.solvers.interface import Solver
from import Data

from binney.model.model import BinomialModel
from import LRSpecs
from import BinomialBootstrap, BernoulliBootstrap, BernoulliStratifiedBootstrap
from binney.solvers.hierarchical_solver import Hierarchy
from binney.solvers.solver import ScipySolver, IpoptSolver
from binney import BinneyException

class RunException(BinneyException):

[docs]class BinneyRun:
[docs] def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame, col_success: str, col_total: str, covariates: Optional[List[str]] = None, splines: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, solver_method: str = 'scipy', solver_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, data_type: str = 'bernoulli', col_group: Optional[str] = None, coefficient_prior_var: float = 1.): """ Create a model run with binney. The model can handle either binomial data or Bernoulli data. If you have binomial data, your data will look something like "k successes out of n trials" -- binney needs to know both k and n. If you have Bernoulli data, your data will look like "individual-record" or "unit-record" data with 1's and 0's. The data needs to be in the same form as the bernoulli type, however all of the "n trials" will be 1, and then the outcome in "success" is either 1 or 0. See the Jupyter notebooks in this repository for an example of Binomial data. The model looks like this in either case: .. math:: k_i \sim Binomial(n_i, p_i) but where :math:`n_i = 1` if you have Bernoulli data. The goal is to estimate :math:`p` where :math:`p` is the expit of some linear predictor, which may also contain include splines for different covariates. The linear predictor will automatically include an intercept, so do not specify one in your covariates. This run class will create uncertainty with the bootstrap method. The particular type of bootstrap re-sampling will depend on whether you have binomial or Bernoulli type data. It is not enforced strictly, but **do not mix the two types of data**, as it will give inaccurate uncertainty quantification. If you pass in a group column name, then it will fit multiple models. First, it will fit a model with all of the data. Then it will use those parameter estimates as Gaussian priors for each of the individual groups in the data. You can put more or less weight on these priors using the coefficient prior variance argument, :code:`coefficient_prior_var`. If you want to give more weight to the prior, decrease this. If you want to give more weight to the group-specific data, increase this. Parameters ---------- df A pandas data frame with all of the columns in covariates, splines, and col_success and col_total. col_success The column name of the number of successes (:math:`k`). col_total The column name of the number of trials (:math:`n`). covariates A list of column names for covariates to use. splines A dictionary of spline covariates, each of which is a dictionary of spline specifications. For example, .. code:: bash splines = { 'x1': { 'knots_type': 'domain', 'knots_num': 3, 'degree': 3, 'convex': True } } The list of available options for splines is: * :code:`knots_type (str)`: type of knots, one of "domain" or "frequency" * :code:`knots_num (int)`: number of knots * :code:`degree (int)`: degree of the spline * :code:`r_linear (bool)`: include linear tails on the right * :code:`l_linear (bool)`: include linear tails on the left * :code:`increasing (bool)`: impose monotonic increasing constraint on spline shape * :code:`decreasing (bool)`: impose monotonic decreasing constraint on spline shape * :code:`concave (bool)`: impose concavity constraint on spline shape * :code:`convex (bool)`: impose convexity constraint on spline shape solver_method Type of solver to use, one of "ipopt" (interior point optimizer -- use this if you have spline shape constraints), or "scipy". solver_options A dictionary of options to pass to your desired solver. data_type The data type: one of "bernoulli" or "binomial" col_group An optional column name to define data groups. coefficient_prior_var An optional float to be used if you're passing in a col_group that determines the variance assigned to the prior when passing down priors in a hierarchy for col_group. Attributes ---------- self.params_init Initial parameters for the optimization self.params_opt Optimal parameters found through the fitting process self.bootstrap Bootstrap class that creates uncertainty. After running the :code:`BinneyRun.make_uncertainty()` method you can access the parameter estimates across bootstrap replicates in :code:`self.bootstrap.parameters`. """ # Check the data type if data_type not in ['bernoulli', 'binomial']: raise BinneyException(f"Data type must be one of 'bernoulli' or 'binomial'. " f"Got {data_type}.") self.data_type = data_type # Configure the data specs self.lr_specs = LRSpecs( col_success=col_success, col_total=col_total, covariates=covariates, splines=splines, col_group=col_group ) self.lr_specs.configure_data(df=df) # Set up the model self.model = BinomialModel() self.model.attach_specs(lr_specs=self.lr_specs) # Set up the solver if solver_method == 'scipy': solver = ScipySolver(model_instance=self.model) elif solver_method == 'ipopt': solver = IpoptSolver(model_instance=self.model) else: raise RunException(f"Unrecognized solver method {solver_method}." "Please pass one of 'scipy' or 'ipopt'.") solver.attach_lr_specs(lr_specs=self.lr_specs) if col_group is None: self.solver = solver else: self.solver = Hierarchy( solver=solver, coefficient_prior_var=coefficient_prior_var ) if solver_options is None: solver_options = dict() self.options = { 'solver_options': solver_options } # Configure bootstrap object based on # the data type and whether or not there should # be stratified re-sampling if data_type == 'bernoulli': if col_group is not None: self.bootstrap = BernoulliStratifiedBootstrap( solver=self.solver, model=self.model, df=df, col_group=col_group ) else: self.bootstrap = BernoulliBootstrap( solver=self.solver, model=self.model, df=df ) elif data_type == 'binomial': self.bootstrap = BinomialBootstrap( solver=self.solver, model=self.model, df=df ) self.bootstrap.attach_specs(lr_specs=self.lr_specs) # Placeholders for parameters and initial values self.params_init = np.zeros(self.model.design_matrix.shape[1]) self.params_opt = None
def _fit(self, solver: Solver, data: Data): x_init=self.params_init, options=self.options, data=data )
[docs] def fit(self) -> None: """ Fit the binney model after initialization. Optimal parameters are stored in BinneyRun.params_opt. """ self._fit(solver=self.solver, self.params_opt = copy(self.solver.x_opt)
[docs] def predict(self, new_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Make predictions based on optimal parameter values. Parameters ---------- new_df A pandas data frame to make predictions for. Must have all of the covariates used in the fitting. Returns ------- A numpy array of predictions for the data frame. """ return self.solver.predict(new_df=new_df)
[docs] def predict_draws(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """ Make draws based on the bootstrap parameters. Parameters ---------- df A pandas data frame to make predictions for. Must have all of the covariates used in the fitting. Returns ------- A stacked numpy array of draws for each row in the :code:`df`. """ draw_matrix = [] for params in self.bootstrap.parameters: draws = self.solver.predict( x=params, new_df=df ) draw_matrix.append(draws) draw_matrix = np.vstack(draw_matrix) return draw_matrix
[docs] def make_uncertainty(self, n_boots: int = 100): """ Runs bootstrap re-sampling to get uncertainty in the parameters. Access parameters in :code:`self.bootstrap.parameters`. Parameters ---------- n_boots Number of bootstrap replicates """ self.bootstrap.run_bootstraps( n_bootstraps=n_boots, fit_callable=self._fit )